Monday, January 21, 2013

Fixes and Features

You may have noticed a few changes to the site over the last couple weeks. As promised, no big, sweeping changes are in the wings, but there were a couple things I couldn't help but tweak. The site has a revised banner and a new, cooler color scheme (cooler meaning it leans towards the blue end of the spectrum, but hopefully the other definition also applies). I've moved the site-related items in the right panel up to the top, fixed a few of the non-functioning parts, and updated the links in the Categories tab - I plan to revamp it a little more in the coming weeks and am thinking of some other ways to freshen up the tabs.

I am also introducing a new feature to BTT - Microscale Mondays. I've always had a fondness of microscale buildings, and occasionally have posted one or two, but I realized that I have been ignoring a lot of impressive creations because they weren't done in the official modular style - a style that quite frankly is not feasible to everyone due to the cost of parts needed to make them. I'm going to keep my definition of "microscale" pretty loose, and I don't see this happening every single Monday, but I felt it was time to give these little guys a place to shine. Appropriately, at least for us in the United States, today marks the inaugural post of this feature - you probably already saw it if you are reading this now.

Finally, I'd like to thank you all for helping spread the word of our new domain and for continuing to visit our site - each new day sees slightly more visitors than the day before. I've also noticed a common trend with feedback from you, the reader - that being there is no feedback. With every website constantly thinking of new ways to ask its visitors to comment, share, answer polls, or participate in some way, I'm quite content to keep this a relatively one-way street - I write, you read. I do encourage feedback if you have it, of course, but I personally enjoy sites that ask nothing of me but a few minutes of my time - you seem to feel the same. So sit back, enjoy, and know that creating new and wonderful LEGO architecture is what really keeps this site active.

- Jonathan

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